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How to work with the guestmanager in Seated ticketing?

The guestmanager is a tool within the Seated ticketing enviorment where for example a sponsor or a partner can distribute their tickets to their own guests.

Assign tickets to Guest Manager user:

Activate the Guest Manager for a relation.

  1. Go to the specific relation. Go to Settings. Click on Activate Guest Manager. Click on Add. Enter the correct details of the Guest Manager user and click on Save
  2. Create a reservation for the relevant event (as you would normally create a reservation)
  3. Link the relation you just activated for the Guest Manager to the reservation
  4. Choose the payment method Invoice and click on Confirm
  5. Click on Guest Manager (see image)

You can also choose to send an existing order to the Guest Manager afterwards. When the relations of the order is activated for the Guest Manager, you can go to the order, click on the three dots in the upper right corner, and click on 'Add to Guest Manager'.

The Guest Manager user can log in via: The first time, an email will be sent to create a password; after that, you can always log in via this link.

It's also good to know that you can always log in to someone else's Guest Manager from the back office. This way, you can always keep an eye on whether the customer is already in the process of sending out tickets.

To do this, go back to the relationship, click on settings, and then click on the lock icon (see image).

Using the Guestmanager:

Once you are logged in the guestmanager, this is how you can use the Guestmanager.

When logged into the Guest Manager, users can see a menu on the left-hand side that includes the following categories:

  • Overview events
  • Guests
  • Email
  • Relationships
  • Users
  • Reports

Overview events

From the menu at the top left, you have an overview of the events for which you have received tickets.

Adding relations:

Relations provides the option to add and view relationships. Without relationships, tickets cannot be assigned, so always start by importing or creating relationships.

Click on the + to add relationships one by one.

Click on the + to import all relationships from an Excel file at once. Once you click this button, it will be possible to download a template for the import.

Assiging seats to a guest

Go to the category 'Guests'. Here, all added relationships are displayed. Click on the three dots on the right side of the relationship and then click on 'Assign Seats'.

You can now assign tickets to these relationships. Under the Tickets heading, you will see an overview of the number of tickets per ticket type for the selected event. Using the seated link, you can select available seats for the relevant relationship and get an overview of the remaining available seats.

Once you have selected the seats, you will see an overview of the assigned seats. If this is correct, click on ‘Save.’

Please note: the invitation will not be sent after you have assigned the seats. You can now continue assigning seats for the next relationship(s).

Sending out invitations:

As soon as you have allocated a seat to the contact, you can return to the category 'Guests'.

Here you can search for the relevant contact using the search bar, filter by the assignment status (assigned / not assigned), and filter by the invitation status (invited / not invited).

You can also click on > after assigning the seats to the contact to view more details about the allocated seats.

If you have found the relevant relation, you can click on the three dots to the right of the relationship.

You can make changes to the assigned seats by clicking on 'Assign seats' again. By clicking on the yellow seats again, you remove the assigned seats and can choose new ones.

When the invitation is ready to be sent, click on 'Send invitation.' A summary of the relationship details and assigned tickets will appear again. You can also type a personal message for the invitation email. If all the details are correct, click on 'Invite.' The invitation will now be sent.

After the invitation has been sent, you can return to 'Guests'. By clicking on the three dots on the right next to the recently sent invitation, you will now see the following options:

Reassign seats

Resend invitation

Download tickets

Delete (note: you will cancel the entire invitation)


Through this category, you can download a detailed report. Here, all tickets from all events are displayed per row along with the following information:

The name of the organizer (company name, or if not filled in: first and last name)

Details of the invitee

Event name

Status and date of the invitation

Information about the assigned seat (ticket type, stand, row, seat)

Link to the tickets


If the personal message for all invitations is the same, a standard text can be set on the Email page that will be added to the standard email text in every invitation.

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