To make your answers more visually appealing to the user, Conversational AI Cloud easily lets you add images directly to your answers in articles, dialogs and events.
Follow these steps to add an image to your answer:
Open the article, dialog or event answer that you want to add an image to
In the answer editor, select the media icon (the Insert Media box will open by default on Image)
A pop up will appear. Enter a openly accessible image URL, title and adjust the width and alignment if needed. ❗Images hosted on a closed environment (i.e. Sharepoint) will not work.
Click the "OK" button.
Click the "Add answer" or "Update" button underneath the answer editor
Scroll up to the top of the article editor and click the "Save" button.
Your image will now show in the answer and will show online once your project has been published. If your answer doesn’t show an image online, you might need an additional small update from your front end.
If you are unable to add an image, check the following:
The image URL needs to be openly accessible. Images hosted on a closed environment (i.e. Sharepoint) will not work.
If your URL contains the file extension .PDF, it will not work.
Add Videos
Conversational AI Cloud has the ability to easily add YouTube and Vimeo videos to answers in articles, dialogs, and events.
In the Answer editor, click on the video icon, and a pop up will appear.
2.Here you can paste the URL from your video. You can also adjust the width and alignment of the video.
Click the "OK" button.
Click the "Add answer" or "Update" button underneath the answer editor
Scroll up to the top of the article editor and click the "Save" button.
Your video will now show in the answer and will show online once your project has been published. If your answer doesn’t show a video online, you might need an additional small update from your front end.
The video width and alignment are relative to the space in the Conversational AI Cloud user interface. The appearance might differ in a responsive view.
Currently only YouTube and Vimeo videos are supported with this feature.
Conversational AI Cloud strips parameters from YouTube URLs.
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