Interaction Logs and Column Descriptions
View interaction logs from Conversational AI Cloud.
An Interaction Log is the full recording of all Interactions that clients (i.e. users of a VA or FAQ Search on a website) have with Conversational AI Cloud.
Conversational AI Cloud
Where Can I Get Interaction Logs?
Data from Interaction Logs can only be retrieved from the last 90 days.
Conversational AI Cloud logs all these Interactions and provides reports in various Dashboards that are part of the CMS, and the raw data (e.g. the Interaction Logs) via the Reporting API.
Interaction Logs Column Descriptions
Column Name | Description | Notes (see list below) |
ad-0 | autoDialog interaction | 7 |
logid | Internal ID for each record | |
interactionuuid | UUID for each separate interaction | 1 |
sessionuuid | UUID for each separate session | 2 |
timestamputc | timestamp of the interaction when it entered the Platform, in UTC format | |
projectid | The project ID, as registered in Conversational AI Cloud | |
culture | Either the shorter language code, or the full culture code, as applicable for the interaction | |
useridentifier | the incoming user identifier, if applicable | 2 |
useruuid | UUID for each user | 1 |
previouspage | the previous page the user visited, before the interaction at the originatingpage | |
originatingpage | the page on which the interaction was originated | |
interactiontype | enumeration of the Interaction Types | |
interactionvalue | the interaction value that relates to the Interaction Type | |
eventkbaname | For ‘event’ Interactions, the Event's name is shown | 3 |
dialogname | For ‘dialog’ Interactions, the Dialog's name is shown | |
dialognodetype | For ‘dialog’ Interactions, the Dialog node's Type is shown (Start, Middle or End) | |
activatedcontext | the activated context variables that resulted in that Output, as logged in JSON | |
kbaid | the ID of the object that was activated, that was responsible for the shown Output | 4 |
outputtext | the Output text returned to the user for this Interaction | |
outputmetadata | the additional meta-data of the Output, as logged in JSON | |
recognitionrate | for ‘qa’ Interactions, the recognition rate is calculated in real-time and added | |
messagecontent | the type of message that was returned | |
linksavailable | number of links in the Outputtext (if applicable) | |
linkclickoriginatinginteractionid | For ‘linkclick’ Interactions, this InteractionID refers to the originating Interaction | 5 |
linkclickurl | For ‘linkclick’ Interactions, the URL being clicked is logged | 5 |
feedbackoptionshown | true or false (t/f) to whether Feedback was shown | 6 |
feedbacklabel | for a Feedback Interaction, this holds the labels that a User could choose from when providing the feedback score | |
feedbackscore | for a Feedback Interaction, User's feedback score, ranging from -5 to +5 | |
feedbackcomment | for Feedback Interaction, this fields holds the open text Feedback of the user (if any) | |
feedbackoriginatinginteractionid | for a Feedback Interaction, this InteractionID refers to the origin that Feedback was provided for | |
resultlist | for ‘faqsearch’ Interactions, the search results that were returned to the user are shown, as logged in JSON | |
modeid | The mode of the user session | |
linkedkbaid | The linked Q&A that the Dialog end node is using | |
generativeaisources | Column containing sources used in generating any AI generated answer. | 8 |
A UUID is a Universal Unique Identifier. Conversational AI Cloud logging uses it to make sure that each Interaction and User and Session has a unique ID
A User can have multiple sessions in time, given that we have some form of identifier, so we can identify that each session belongs to the same User. See our Support Portal for more information on Users & Sessions
In an advanced configuration of Conversational AI Cloud, the incoming Event (as seen in the Interaction Value) can be parsed by business logic and only then result in an Output. In that case, the Interaction Value will be different from the EventKbaName (which might be empty). In all other scenario’s, the Interaction Value is the same as the EventKbaName
The KbaID is not strictly for Q&A, but also for Events, (Transactional or Auto) Dialogs and FAQ. The format is always the same with a prefix identifying the type of interaction, and the ID of the resulting object that holds the Output. In the case of AutoDialogs, the final step is a Q&A article. The table below shows the different formats available
The ‘linkclick’ Interaction logs the user’s action to click on a URL that was part of an Output. The URL is presented in the ‘linkclickurl’ column, and the originationinteractionid is logged, which refers back to the Interaction where this URL was shown in the form of a textual link
Feedback always has Labels that help a User classify whether the Output was helpful or not (in a typical use case). The Label might be ‘yes’ and ‘no’, or show a 5-star rating, so the Label and the Score are not necessarily the same
For autoDialogs that haven't yet guided your customer to the correct Q&A, the ID is one that only exists within the autoDialog. You will not be able to find this article within Conversational AI Cloud. When a user uses an autoDialog to find a Q&A, the interaction will be shown with the Q&A ID as the KBAId
This column will only contain data if the answer was AI generated. Otherwise it will be a null string.
The data in this column is a JSON array cast to a string. An item in the array contains a number of fields including:content : text used as a basis for the generated answer
distance: a measure of similarity between the answer and the question (??)
source: the type of source the text was taken from.
Unable to Download Interaction Logs
If you receive an error downloading Interaction Logs, please check the following:
View our guide How to get an interaction log from the Reporting API using Postman.
It is only possible to get an export from the past 90 days
You can only get 1 day per export.
The date range must be entered correctly
How Far Back Can You Retrieve Interaction Logs?
Data from the Interaction Logs can only be retrieved from the last 90 days.