Introduction Guide to Address Book
Address Book helps you add contacts to Mobile Marketing Cloud. Upload a csv, xlsx, xls or ods file with a maximum size of 60 MB or type info directly into the table to import your contacts.
In this guide, you will learn how to use Address Book to import and update contacts in Mobile Marketing Cloud.
- Mobile Marketing Cloud
To properly import contacts into Address Book there are some things to know:
- To get started, you'll need a blank sheet in a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, preferably saved or exported as a comma separated value (CSV) file.
- Certain fields, like phone numbers, must be formatted in a specific way.
Import New Contacts
Importing contacts consists of 2 parts:
- Preparing your spreadsheet document outside of Mobile Marketing Cloud and
- Import the file to upload contacts to Address Book.
Prepare Your Document for Import:
- Open your blank worksheet in a spreadsheet program like Excel or Google Sheets.
- Create and label a column for a communications channel, e.g. Email Addresses.
- Next to your Email Address column, create and label additional columns for first names, last names, and any other information you want to import to the Address Book.
4. Paste your contact information into the relevant fields in the spreadsheet.
Import to Address Book:
- In the platform click on the nine dots menu in the upper right corner. Scroll down to the 'Other' section to find Addressbook.
- Click on the Address Book icon to open it.
- Click on the + button on the right:
- Give your import a group name for example: ‘’newsletter subscribers’’. Or choose to leave this blank, in which case the group name is filled with the name of the uploaded file.
- Click on upload contacts and choose the file from your computer.
Click the Create Button
- Match the columns in your import file to the fields in your Customer Data Platform. We’ll automatically match columns with recognized names for you. For example, the column that contains email addresses with EmailAddress. Click on the selected field if the pre-matched field is not correct, or if you would like to choose a different field type or when you would like to skip a column. Repeat for all unmatched columns that you want to import.
- When all document headers are matched with the correct field click on next
- Validate your numbers, click on number format and select the number format you used in your file:
- International numbers with prefix: Select this when you used a prefix, country code and subscribers number in your number formatting in the Netherlands this will look like +31 12345678 or 0031 12345678.
- International numbers without a prefix: Select this when you used the country code, national destination code and subscribers number in your number formatting in the Netherlands this will look like 31 6 12345678.
- National numbers: Select this when you only used the National destination code and subscriber number in your number formatting. In the Netherlands this will look like 06 12345678. Then select the preferred country prefix to finalize the phone numbers.
- Can’t validate your number then it’s also possible to ignore the errors (Only do this when you don’t need the numbers for communication).
- When you have validated your numbers or ignored the errors click on the 'Create' button.
Finished! 🎉 You can now use your imported contacts to communicate, for example via SMS and email.