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Navigate to and through the Email Campaigns app

The goal of this article is to help a user navigate as easily as possible to- and through the email campaigns app.

  • End users
  • Sales

Step 1: go to the dashboard, press the 9 dots and select "Email Campaigns"

Navigation is pretty easy. The left column contains the navigation menu. The selected items in this column will be shown in the middle part of the screen. E.g.: in the image below, newsletters is selected in the left column and shown in the middle.

Navigating through the settings of a single emailcampaign can be done through upper navigation menu in the email campaign:

You can switch through 4 different items:

  • Campaign settings
  • Design
  • Text version
  • Advanced

In the campaign settings, the general settings of the email can be implemented. This includes:

  • Campaign name
  • Subject
  • Sender address
  • Sender name
  • Address list
  • tags
  • preview text
  • possible schedule time
  • Template selection
  • Send button

In the design menu, the email content and layout is composed.

The text version is the text that email campaigns uses as a fallback text option.

In advanced, you can enable Google Analytics tracking and link tagging.

Below you find a video on Email Campaigns in the Mobile Marketing Cloud.

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