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PM Overview Dashboard

The PM Overview Dashboard

The PM Overview dashboard is intended to give you a quick overview of how your project is doing. It focuses mainly on totals and averages, with more specific information left for specialized dashboards like interaction explorer, feedback, dialogs and Q&A questions. The default dashboard filters apply.

The PM Overview dashboard has the following widgets:

Positive Feedback % Widget in PM Overview

This percentage represents the number of interactions on which positive feedback was received divided by the total number of interactions users gave feedback on. The secondary figure is the percentage of Q&A, FAQ, dialog and event interactions where users didn’t give any feedback at all. This widget follows context filters.

If this is low, you should review the various answers that received negative feedback to improve their effectiveness.

Sessions With Link Click Widget PM Overview Dashboard

This percentage is the overall figure of how many users clicked on URLs in answers divided by the number of sessions where a URLs was shown. This widget does not follow context filters.

Dialog Completion Widget

This percentage accounts for the number of sessions in which a dialog was completed divided by the number of active sessions in which a dialog was started.

KB Usage Widget

This percentage gives an indication of how much of your knowledge base was used over the selected period. It calculates the amount of articles triggered against the total amount of articles in your database. The secondary number (Activated Articles) is the number of activated Q&A, events, FAQs and dialog nodes. This widget does not follow context filters/

PM Overview Interaction Widgets

Interaction % Widget for PM Overview

The interaction percentage represents the number of users who had Q&A, FAQClick, FAQSearch or dialog Interactions – this basically means the user would have to have taken an active part in their interaction, instead of only passively receiving events or the retrieved data. This widget does not respond properly to context filters.

Interactions per Day Widget

This is a line chart of the number of interactions and sessions per day for the selected time period. The sessions count is accurate when no context filter is added. It may deviate if the dashboard is filtered on context. The Interactions and active users counts will be accurate regardless of filtering. For more information about all interactions in a project, please see the Interaction Explorer dashboard. The chart also will always show the active users, even if the dashboard is filtered to show all interactions.

Interactions per Session - All & Active Users Widget

All users Widget

This widget gives an overview of the kinds of interactions all users undergo when using Conversational AI Cloud. This includes the people who do not actively engage and only see events, categories for FAQs, or FAQs presented to them automatically. This is presented as an average number of interactions per session. For this chart, all interactions leading to active sessions have been grouped in the top bar of the chart.

Active Users Widget

This widget gives a more detailed overview of the kinds of interactions active users undergo when using Conversational AI Cloud. This is presented as an average number of interactions per session. Events and interactions that lead to FAQs or categories being shown are still included in this chart, but in this case only apply to Active users.

Q&A Questions Widget

This widget shows a word cloud with the top 100 most-asked Q&A questions in your project. The size of the text represents the frequency of the question. For more information, please see the Q&A Questions dashboard.

Contexts Widget

This widget displays the contexts that were activated by the interactions with the system. Keep in mind that not all contexts are activated by every Interaction, and any given Interaction can activate multiple contexts, so these numbers may not add up with the total number of interactions. The same applies to the session count, because even with contexts, the value of the context can change during the session, leading to some sessions being counted double. This widget cannot be used to filter the dashboard, but a context filter is available as a standard dashboard filter. Please do keep in mind that some widgets do not react to context filters.

Channels Widget

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