Q and A Questions Dashboard
This dashboard has a great deal of information focused on improving your project. Most of the widgets can be sorted several ways depending on what aspect of your data you wish to focus on, and with little to no filtering in the widgets themselves. The default dashboard filters apply, and this dashboard is always filtered to only show Q&A interactions.
You can also filter Q&A questions containing specific words, or use the 'Article Id' filter to show interactions on a specific Q&A article.
General Overview
The gauges at the top of this dashboard are intended to show you where your focus is needed with a single glance.
Recognition Quality Widget
The Recognition Quality of a question is a measure of how precisely a question was recognized. It only applies to Q&A. A question doesn’t need to be matched with 100% precision in order to receive a correct answer. If this number is too low, however, the chance of the answer not matching the question increases. It’s worth looking in your Q&A logs (or the Q&A questions or Gap Analysis dashboards) at the questions that had a very low recognition quality and adding extra Q&A to your project to cover these.
No Recognition Widget
This is the % of QA that had no recognition whatsoever. If this is high (over 5% or so), it is worth looking at what questions weren’t recognized at all and adding those to your project with proper answers.
Interaction Link Click % Widget
Overall % of offered links that your users clicked. If this percentage is low, you are either offering links that your users don’t need or it is not clear enough from your answers that these links are useful. Consider emphasizing the purpose of the link in your answer with a call to action.
Recognition Quality Distribution Widget
This bar chart gives a more detailed breakdown of the proportions of your Q&A questions that fall within certain ranges of the recognition Quality. It can also be used to filter the dashboard.
Complete recognition (100%) and no recognition are specified separately. Also specified are Q&A caught by exception events - that is events where Conversational AI Cloud has intercepted the question and presented an answer based on certain features before the question can be processed through the regular recognition.
Questions answered by exception events have a 100% recognition quality because they were not processed through the regular Conversational AI Cloud recognition process -- but they were recognized exactly as specified. The quality of recognition via Intents or Generative AI is not measured using the Recognition Quality. We have included them in this widget as separate values for completeness and to allow for filtering.
Q&A per Day Widget
Line chart showing the number of QA interactions.
Questions Widget (Top 50)
This widget shows the top 50 Q&A questions asked in your project for the time period and filters you selected.
You can sort by any of the given statistics:
- Activations: How often the question was asked
- No recognition: How often the question was not recognized
- Exception Events: The number of times the question was caught by an exception event
- Recognition Quality: How precisely the question was recognized.
- Negative Feedback: How often users gave negative feedback after asking this question.
- Positive Feedback: How often users gave positive feedback after asking this question.
- Example Q&A-ID: (one of) the articles that this question activated.
- # of Unique Articles: If the question activated more than one article over time (because a Q&A was edited or changed), this will be a number higher than 1.
At the bottom of this dashboard you can get an overview of all questions and answers using your current filters.
Events Activated by Q&A Widget
This widget shows the top events which were activated by Q&A. When you click on one of the events, the other widgets in the dashboard will be updated.
Top (T-)Dialogs Started by Q&A
This widget shows the top dialogs and t-dialogs that were started by Q&A. When you click on one of the dialogs, the ther widgets in the dashboard will be updated.
Get All Q&A Questions & Answers
By clicking this link on the bottom a jump dashboard will open containing a question and answer Log with an overview of the following:
Get Activated Q&A Articles Widget
By clicking this link on the bottom a jump dashboard will open containing an overview and count of activated Q&A articles, based on the other filters on the dashboard.
E-learning Video
Below you can find a video on how you can work with the Q&A-Dashboard in Conversational AI Cloud.