Relations Overview
Within the Seated Ticketing environment, there is a “Relations module” in which you can register and manage all your visitor data. You can find this module by navigating to the Seated Ticketing dashboard and selecting the Relations heading in the menu (left).
In the relations menu you will find all your visitor data. You can filter here by clicking on the filter icon at the top right to create your selection. For example, you can select all relations who have purchased a season ticket and have a specific tag within Seated Ticketing. For filters, the relations that meet all selected filter criteria are displayed.
- When no season ticket types are checked, all relationships, with or without a season ticket, are shown.
· When you check one season ticket, all relationships that have a season ticket of this type will be displayed.
· When you check two season ticket types, all relations that have season tickets of both types will be displayed.
You can also filter on various things, some examples are:
· Whether or not to show archived relations;
· Show only relationships that are on the blacklist;
· Show only relations who have ever placed an order or placed an order in a certain period;
Show relations who have accepted certain conditions, such as the newsletter;
Via the checkboxes on the left you can select multiple relations at the same time. This way you can easily assign a certain tag to all relations or archive and unarchive relations.
For more information about relation tags, you can read the specific article about this in this Seated Ticketing Help centre.
black list
If you wish to temporarily deny a relation access to your events, you can add them to the blacklist. You can do this by looking up the relevant relationship and clicking on 'blacklist' at the bottom. In the menu that opens you can specify a period. This will invalidate all tickets for that period.