Relations specific
Within a relation in Seated Ticketing you can find a lot of information about a relation.
Once you have selected the relation, you will first see this page with all kind of details. You can also change it. in the basics the Email address of the relation is what is makes unique. So an email address could only be once in the system.

Once you scroll down this page you can also find additional information about the relation. For more information about Tags, Additional fields, consents and opt-ins please check the article about this topic.
On the second tab of the relation page you will find tickets. This contains all the tickets that this relation have ever bought, but there is a little twist.
- If personalisation is switched on, as the main buyer of the tickets you see all bought tickets and the names they have personalized them on.
- If someone is not the main buyer of the tickets but a ticket is personalized on their name, there will be an relation for this person, but at the tab tickets, you can only see the ticket with their name on
For more information about personalisation please check the article about this topic
At the subscriptions tab of a relation you can find all the specific information about any purchased subscriptions.
More information about subscriptions can be found as a categories in the knowledge center
Extra products
At the extra product tab of a relation you can find all the specific information about any purchased extra products.
More information about extra products can be found as a separate article in the knowledge center.
At the orders tab of a relation you can find all the specific information about any orders of this relation.
More information about orders can be found as a separate article in the knowledge center.
At the settings tab there are two options you can use.
- Note, in this section you can add a note for internal use about this relation. For example when a relation needs to have a special discount for a next sale or some other information about this relation.
- Guestmanager, in this section you can activate and manage the guestmanger users for this relation. For more information about the guestmanager please check the guestmanager article.