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Segment overview


What can you do and see in the segment overview page


  • Mobile Marketing Cloud

    • Customer Data Platform


In the segment overview page you can find details about a segment, filter on status and favorite your most important segments. This in order to provide a more comprehensive overview of the created segments.

When favoring a segment, it will appear on the top of your segment list, this is saved on a personal level so everyone in the account can have their own favorites list.

Next to favoring a segment you can see where the segment has been synced to, how long ago and with which consent category, whether it be to an Addresbook group for sending campaigns or to Meta audiences for re-targetting purposes.

The profile count is cached data of 5 min, when opening the segment it will start calculating the live numbers.

If you want to sync an already synced segment with another consent category you can sync it again and it will then sync with the category you select.

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