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Setting Up


This guide provides instructions for onboarding product feeds by connecting your product data from your system to CM's system. It is designed for colleagues who assist customers with this integration.

To integrate, you need to link your product data to CM's platform. Typically, this data is stored in feed management tools. Each product requires a unique ID that corresponds to the product IDs tracked through the Customer Data Platform (CDP) in standard retail and e-commerce actions (e.g., Product Detail Page View, Add to Cart, Purchase Lines). You may also include additional product details for utilization in applications like Web Personalizations and Email Campaigns. The following fields are commonly recommended:

  • Price
  • Title (Name)
  • Description
  • Image URL

Integrating Product Data

Using an Existing Integration through Marketplace

Note: This requires an existing subscription to CM’s marketplace app.

Available Integrations:

Currently, you can integrate with:

  • Channable

Setting up the Channable Integration

  1. Create a Custom JSON Feed:
  • In Channable, set up a feed of type Custom (JSON) that includes all products you want to sync with's platform.
  • Access CM Marketplace:
  • Navigate to the "Marketplace" section within your 9-tile menu under the Central Services category.
  • Create the Integration:
  • In the sidenav, go to “Product Feed” and select the Channable integration. Enter a name for your integration and click “Create.”
  • Input Feed Information:
  • Enter the Channable JSON Feed URL into the Feed URL field.
  • Specify the Product ID Property Name that contains the unique ID of your products in the Channable feed.
  • Important: Ensure this matches the product ID tracked in CDP standard events like Product Detail Page View, Add-to-cart, and Purchase Line.
  • Set Product ID and Schedule:
  • Fill in the Product Set ID found in the Product Feed app under settings.
  • Define the Cron Job Expression for syncing your product data. It's recommended to use: 0 X * * * where X is the hour of the day for the daily sync. Align this with Channable's new feed release time to account for any delays.
  • Sync Data:
  • Use the Sync Data button to trigger a manual sync. Your products should appear in the product feed app in a few minutes. Subsequent updates will occur automatically as per the defined schedule.

Custom Connection through API

Refer to the developer documentation for details on creating a custom connection through the API.

Configuring Platform Attributes

Although the product ID is the only required field, mapping additional attributes to platform attributes enhances product data usability. Mapped attributes are available across CM platform applications under standard keys. If multiple candidates for a Platform Attribute exist, please configure one of them.

Note: Provided product attributes not mapped will still be accessible in other apps that utilize this data.

Steps to Map Attributes:

  1. Perform an initial synchronization of your product data.
  2. Open the Product Feed app, go to Settings, and navigate to the “External Keys” section.
  3. Map your provided attributes to the corresponding platform attributes.

Reserved Platform Attributes:

  • ID : Automatically configured during integration, no additional mapping required
  • Name
  • Description
  • Image URL
  • Price

Note: If an attribute key shares a name with a reserved platform attribute but isn't mapped, it won't be accessible in applications using product data within the platform. Ensure you adjust keys during synchronization to utilize these attributes.

By following this guide, you'll efficiently connect and manage product feeds within CM's system, leveraging enriched data for impactful marketing and personalization efforts.

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