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SIP Trunking - Regulations Belgium (+32)


Share information with regards to the rules and regulations of routing voice traffic within Belgium


  • Voice


The 078 is considered as a non-geo number although the price should be the same as a local geo number.

In Belgium, it is not allowed to present non-geo numbers as CLI. Therefore the 078 cannot be presented as CLI.

Article 19 regulates the manner in which number capacity is given the status "allocated".  

This allocation will only remain valid if all the conditions
stipulated in the second paragraph are met cumulatively.    Most of the
conditions for the allocation have been taken over mutatis mutandis from
the previous Royal Decree on numbering. An exception to this is
condition 5 ° which requires that the holder of allocated number
capacity must in principle ensure that the identification of the calling
line (or CLI) is the same as the calling number assigned to the end
user (or at least his line). This requirement seeks to introduce a
guarantee of authenticity of the CLI as a condition for the valid
exercise of number usage rights. In the past it was simply not
technically possible that the CLI that was sent with the call did not
correspond to the call number, but due to the evolution of technology,
this is now the case, with all the negative consequences that this
entails (including problems for judicial investigation or fraud). Since
no calls are made with 0800 numbers, premium numbers and national short
numbers, they cannot (and may not) be displayed as the number of the
calling line.

More information can be found here.

Article 43

The geographic national E.164 numbers are allocated for services
with geographic significance. Geographical national E.164 numbers from a
specific number zone may only be assigned to end users whose connection
is physically located within the boundaries of this number zone.

Terminate calls to a Geographic National E.164 number at the
physical location of the end user's network termination point unless
forwarded to another number or the number is used nomadically. When
moving outside the current number zone, it is not allowed to register an
allocated number at the new address. The geographical connection with
the zone of the number must be maintained.

More information can be found here.

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