SIP Trunking - Regulations South Africa (+27)
Share information with regards to the rules and regulations of routing voice traffic within South Africa
For calls to South Africa(+27) a reduced rate might be applicable, if the following rules & regulations are met:
The company sending the calls should be registered in South Africa and be able to provide proof of this
The A-number (CLI) sent with the outbound calls should be hosted at
Calls must originate in South Africa, no CLI manipulation is allowed
Sending calls without adhering to above traffic rules, might result in unreliable call quality and a penalty surcharge of €0.15/minute.
For more information, please contact CM Support (
Requirements to make use of Wanatel (ZA Carrier for ZA Traffic)
- If it's a Wholesale VoIP client, they must have offices in ZA and be able to prove it and have their RICA documentation
- If it's a Wholesale VoIP client, they must ensure their end clients have offices in ZA and be able to prove it and have their RICA documentation
- They must get a DID from Wanatel and only use that DID for outbound calls, they cannot use that DID on any other carriers terminating into ZA
- Customer must provide RICA documentation ( Proof of ZA address not more than 3 months old, copy of their ID, Registration number of company, Letter of authority or affidavit confirming company representative)
Requirements to make use of Vox (ZA Carrier for ZA Traffic)
- If it's a Wholesale VoIP client, they must have offices in ZA and be able to prove it and have their RICA documentation
- If it's a Wholesale VoIP client, they must ensure their end clients have offices in ZA and be able to prove it and have their RICA documentation
- They must get a DID from VOX and only use that DID for outbound calls, they cannot use that DID on any other carriers terminating into ZA
- Customer must provide RICA documentation ( Proof of ZA address not more than 3 months old, copy of their ID, Registration number of company, Letter of authority or affidavit confirming company representative)