Standard Retail and Ecommerce events
By defining common data events, we ensure a consistent understanding of customer interactions. These events cover customer profiles, product interactions, purchase details, and marketing engagements. The standardized framework makes data more organized, aiding for integration of AI algorithms and templating.
Standard data templates become essential when considering AI's potential to predict customer behavior and provide tailored recommendations. With uniform data, AI algorithms can identify patterns effectively. This enables personalized product suggestions and targeted marketing, enhancing customer engagement.
Mobile Marketing Cloud
Customer Data Platform
These standard data events are part of the 'Retail and Ecommerce' adapter. When enabling this adapter we will automatically create all the events, sessions and profile mappings needed for correct processing of the events. Do note that this integration also needs the email campaigns adapter to be enabled as this holds the link between the webtracking id and the email id using the Web: Identification - Mail ID event. This will make sure you can track your (marketing) email conversion.

The below events are automatically created. You can use our webtraking solution to send these events to the CDP or you can use your own shop and create webhooks for these events.
What do you need
Tenant ID: You can get this from your account settings
X-CM-PRODUCTTOKEN: You can get this from your account settings, use this token in your headers
Event type ID's: See below event details
Web: Page view
An event that triggers when a user views a page on your website. This input event will output a Page view event and an Identification - Mail ID event or a Identification - MessageID event, depending on which data is present in the event. This makes it possible to link your mail campaigns to purchase conversion if your website visitor originated from an email campaign.
Endpoint:{Tenant ID}/events/9982fe3f-cee0-432c-b2c7-97d872f0a89d
Sample body
{ "DateOfEvent": "2024-04-10T13:57:45.977Z", "Domain": "", "Integration ID": "Website", "URL": "", "URL params": "/runningshoes", "UTM campaign": "Campaign ABC", "UTM ID": "01234", "UTM medium": "organic", "UTM source": "google", "WebtrackerClientId": "12345-6789-1011129", "WebtrackerSessionId": "101112-6789-123459"}
Property | Type | Comment/Example | Mandatory (at least 1 key property should be present) |
DateOfEvent | iso8601date | 2024-04-16T11:24:05.605Z | no |
Domain | String | Domain of your website | no |
IntegrationId | String | ID where the event came from (website, shopify, woocommerce etc.) | no |
URL | String | Url of the page viewed | no |
URL params | String | Elements inserted in your URLs to help you filter and organize content | no |
UTM campaign | String | The specific campaign that you’re running. Feel free to fill this in however it makes sense to you. | no |
UTM ID | String | UTM ID is an identification parameter used to track the performance of campaigns in Google Analytics. | no |
UTM medium | String | Social, Organic, Paid, Email, Affiliates, are all core marketing channels that include multiple traffic sources. | no |
UTM source | String | The individual site within that channel. | no |
Webtracker client ID | String | Webtracking client id | no |
Webtracker session ID | String | Webtracking session id | no |
Web: Product detail page view
An event that triggers when a user views a specific product detail on your website.
Endpoint:{Tenant ID}/events/0d980504-edc5-46db-bc85-e079f382f4fc
{ "WebtrackerClientId": "12345-6789-1011129", "WebtrackerSessionId": "101112-6789-123459", "Domain": "", "IntegrationId": "Website", "DateOfEvent": "2024-04-16T11:24:05.605Z", "Items": [ { "ItemId": "987_A", "ItemName": "Running shoes", "ItemBrand": "Adidas", "DateOfEvent": "2024-04-16T11:24:05.605Z", "ItemVariant": "Grey", "ItemCategory": "Shoes", "ItemCategory2": "Sport", "ItemCategory3": "", "ItemCategory4": "", "ItemCategory5": "", "Price": 150, "Discount": "5" }, { "ItemId": "123_A", "ItemName": "Dining table", "ItemBrand": "Unique tables", "DateOfEvent": "2024-04-16T11:24:05.605Z", "ItemVariant": "Oak", "ItemCategory": "Table", "ItemCategory2": "Dining", "ItemCategory3": "Diningroom", "ItemCategory4": "", "ItemCategory5": "", "Price": 4345, "Discount": null } ]}
Property | Type | Example | Mandatory (at least 1 key property should be present) |
DateOfEvent | iso8601date | 2024-04-16T11:24:05.605Z | no |
WebtrackerClientId | String | 12345-6789-101112 | no |
WebtrackerSessionId | String | 101112-6789-12345 | no |
EmailAddress | | no | |
IntegrationId | String | ID where the event came from (website, shopify, woocommerce etc.) | no |
TransactionId | String | ID of the transaction, 333-4444-55555 | no |
Domain | String | Domain of your website | no |
Currency | String | Currency (EUR) | no |
Shipping | Number | Shipping costs | no |
Coupon | String | Coupon code | no |
Tax | Number | Tax amount (5) | no |
Value | Number | Total value of the purchase (4500) | no |
Items | Array | Array of items viewed | no |
Items.ItemId | String | 987_A | no |
Items.ItemName | String | Running shoes | no |
Items.ItemBrand | String | Adidas | no |
Items.DateOfEvent | iso8601date | 2024-04-16T11:24:05.605Z | no |
Items.ItemVariant | String | Grey | no |
Items.ItemCategory | String | Shoes | no |
Items.ItemCategory2 | String | Sport | no |
Items.ItemCategory3 | String | no | |
Items.ItemCategory4 | String | no | |
Items.ItemCategory5 | String | no | |
Items.Price | Number | Price of the item (150) | no |
Items.Quantity | Number | Quantity of an item (1) | no |
Items.Discount | Number | Discount amount applied (5) | no |
Web: Add to cart
Endpoint:{Tenant ID}/events/e8d5150a-9255-48f7-8eb5-89a76a69c33e
{ "DateOfEvent": "2024-04-10T14:06:25.157Z", "WebtrackerClientId": "12345-6789-1011129", "WebtrackerSessionId": "101112-6789-123459", "Domain": "", "Integration ID": "Website", "Items": [ { "ItemId": "987_A", "ItemName": "Running shoes", "ItemBrand": "Adidas", "DateOfEvent": "2024-04-16T11:24:05.605Z", "ItemVariant": "Grey", "ItemCategory": "Shoes", "ItemCategory2": "Sport", "ItemCategory3": "", "ItemCategory4": "", "ItemCategory5": "", "Price": 150, "Quantity": "1", "Discount": "5" } ]
Property | Type | Comment/Example | Mandatory (at least 1 key property should be present) |
DateOfEvent | iso8601date | 2024-04-16T11:24:05.605Z | no |
WebtrackerClientId | String | 12345-6789-101112 | no |
WebtrackerSessionId | String | 101112-6789-12345 | no |
IntegrationId | String | ID where the event came from (website, shopify, woocommerce etc.) | no |
Domain | String | Domain of your website | no |
Items | Array | Array of items added to cart | no |
Items.ItemId | String | 987_A | no |
Items.ItemName | String | Running shoes | no |
Items.ItemBrand | String | Adidas | no |
Items.DateOfEvent | iso8601date | 2024-04-16T11:24:05.605Z | no |
Items.ItemVariant | String | Grey | no |
Items.ItemCategory | String | Shoes | no |
Items.ItemCategory2 | String | Sport | no |
Items.ItemCategory3 | String | no | |
Items.ItemCategory4 | String | no | |
Items.ItemCategory5 | String | no | |
Items.Price | Number | Price of the item (150) | no |
Items.Quantity | Number | Quantity of an item (1) | no |
Items.Discount | Number | Discount amount applied (5) | no |
Web: Remove from cart
Endpoint:{Tenant ID}/events/151f83b3-6307-4b8e-9787-3e5e58c997f6
{ "DateOfEvent": "2024-04-10T14:06:25.157Z", "WebtrackerClientId": "12345-6789-101112", "WebtrackerSessionId": "101112-6789-12345", "Domain": "", "Integration ID": "Website", "Items": [ { "ItemId": "987_A", "ItemName": "Running shoes", "ItemBrand": "Adidas", "DateOfEvent": "2024-04-16T11:24:05.605Z", "ItemVariant": "Grey", "ItemCategory": "Shoes", "ItemCategory2": "Sport", "ItemCategory3": "", "ItemCategory4": "", "ItemCategory5": "" } ]
Property | Type | Comment/Example | Mandatory (at least 1 key property should be present) |
DateOfEvent | iso8601date | 2024-04-16T11:24:05.605Z | no |
WebtrackerClientId | String | 12345-6789-101112 | no |
WebtrackerSessionId | String | 101112-6789-12345 | no |
IntegrationId | String | ID where the event came from (website, shopify, woocommerce etc.) | no |
Domain | String | Domain of your website | no |
Items | Array | Array of items added to cart | no |
Items.ItemId | String | 987_A | no |
Items.ItemName | String | Running shoes | no |
Items.ItemBrand | String | Adidas | no |
Items.DateOfEvent | iso8601date | 2024-04-16T11:24:05.605Z | no |
Items.ItemVariant | String | Grey | no |
Items.ItemCategory | String | Shoes | no |
Items.ItemCategory2 | String | Shoes | no |
Items.ItemCategory3 | String | no | |
Items.ItemCategory4 | String | no | |
Items.ItemCategory5 | String | no |
Web: Purchase
This happens when the customer purchases a product/products on your website. This input event will result in the below output events:
Purchase: Line (per item purchased)
Purchase: details (purchase details)
Web: Identification purchase (link email with webtracking id)
Web: Purchase reference
Endpoint:{Tenant ID}/events/5a9f40f9-c6a5-439e-aefd-21274b68b242
{ "WebtrackerClientId": "12345-6789-1011129", "WebtrackerSessionId": "101112-6789-123459", "Domain": "", "IntegrationId": "Website", "TransactionId": "333-4444-555550", "EmailAddress" : "", "DateOfEvent": "2024-04-16T11:24:05.605Z", "Coupon" : "121212", "Shipping": "1", "Tax" : "5", "Currency": "EUR", "Value": "4500", "Items": [ { "ItemId": "987_A", "ItemName": "Running shoes", "ItemBrand": "Adidas", "DateOfEvent": "2024-04-16T11:24:05.605Z", "ItemVariant": "Grey", "ItemCategory": "Shoes", "ItemCategory2": "Sport", "ItemCategory3": "", "ItemCategory4": "", "ItemCategory5": "", "Price": 150, "Quantity": 1, "Discount": 5 }, { "ItemId": "123_A", "ItemName": "Dining table", "ItemBrand": "Unique tables", "DateOfEvent": "2024-04-16T11:24:05.605Z", "ItemVariant": "Oak", "ItemCategory": "Table", "ItemCategory2": "Dining", "ItemCategory3": "Diningroom", "ItemCategory4": "", "ItemCategory5": "", "Price": 4345, "Quantity": 1, "Discount": null } ]}
Property | Type | Comment/Example | Mandatory (at least 1 key property should be present) |
DateOfEvent | iso8601date | 2024-04-16T11:24:05.605Z | no |
WebtrackerClientId | String | 12345-6789-101112 | no |
WebtrackerSessionId | String | 101112-6789-12345 | no |
EmailAddress | | no | |
IntegrationId | String | ID where the event came from (website, shopify, woocommerce etc.) | no |
TransactionId | String | ID of the transaction, 333-4444-55555 | no |
Domain | String | Domain of your website | no |
Currency | String | EUR | no |
Shipping | Number | Shipping cost | no |
Coupon | String | Coupon code | no |
Tax | Number | Tax amount | no |
Value | Number | Total purchase value | no |
Items | Array | Array of items purchased | no |
Items.ItemId | String | 987_A | no |
Items.ItemName | String | Running shoes | no |
Items.ItemBrand | String | Adidas | no |
Items.DateOfEvent | iso8601date | 2024-04-16T11:24:05.605Z | no |
Items.ItemVariant | String | Grey | no |
Items.ItemCategory | String | Shoes | no |
Items.ItemCategory2 | String | Sport | no |
Items.ItemCategory3 | String | no | |
Items.ItemCategory4 | String | no | |
Items.ItemCategory5 | String | no | |
Items.Price | Number | Price of the item (150) | no |
Items.Quantity | Number | Quantity of an item (1) | no |
Items.Discount | Number | Discount amount applied (5) | no |
There are 2 sessions that are automatically created and they hold the latest status of a purchase session and a web session. This means on a session level you will have all the user's web behavior collected for a particular web session and in the purchase session you will have all the user's buying actions collected for a specific purchase.
Based on email and/or the webtracking id, the session is linked to the main profile.
We also added two additional profile properties:
LastPurchaseDate: Date of the last purchase made, this is based on the purchase detail event of the last purchase session. You can use this information to target your latest buyers or identify your churned customers for example.
LastWebvisitDate: Date of the last web visits, this is based on the last event part of the web session. You can use this information to see who is most active on your website and who is not.