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The Message Log indicates a message is delivered, but the end-user did not receive it.


  • Messaging


Delivery Report (DLR) regards the status of delivery of a message to the end-user. There are cases where the DLR indicates a message has been delivered to the destination mobile device, however the end-user did not receive the message.

This is known as a Fake DLR. Fake Delivery Reports are a known problem amongst aggregators. Fake DLR’s are - as the name states - fake delivery receipts. They pretend an SMS message has been delivered to the mobile phone. In reality, the operator or aggregator has done nothing with the message but throwing it away.

SMS service providers have much difficulties figuring out who is responsible for sending back fake DLR’s. The routes that text messages travel sometimes lead to different operators and/or SMS aggregators. Within this route it may occur a fake DLR is returned. works proactively to detect deliberate returned fake DLR's. This means that - like after confirmation of actual fraud - the person responsible will be ruled out of handling SMS traffic coming from

More information regarding Fake DLR's can be found here.

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