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The three dots on the profile in the CDP and what you can do with it


After reading this article you know where to find the three dots on the profile and what you can do with it.

Who can it help?

- Administrator
- Manager
- End user

Three dots on the profile

When you open a profile in the Customer Data Platform you can find the three dots in the top right corner:

Here you have multiple options, namely:

  1. Export data

  2. Consents

  3. Update details

  4. Delete

Export data

If you click on export data it will download a .txt file with all the related information of that profile. This includes the profile information, but also the events that have occurred for that profile.


If you open this tab it will open the consent page of the specific profile. An example of such a page can be found below:

If the profile has given their consent for one of the categories, the checkboxes will be checked. Otherwise they will be blank like in the example.

This page can be helpful to send to your customers if they want to opt-out for a specific category and they cannot find their unsubscribe link anymore.

Update details

When clicking on 'Update details' you can edit the specific profile information. It will show all the profile properties and the information that is already filled in. It is not possible to edit the event information.

This can be helpful to update manually if you, for example, want to edit an address or first name of a specific person.

After manually updating the details via this way, there will be a new event on the profile which states what you have updated and when.


This option lets you delete a specific profile. Please note that when deleting a profile this cannot be undone. Besides, all the event information of that profile will also be deleted.

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