User Properties
User Properties
User Properties are user specific data that can be used in the engine in each session that this user interacts with the Engine service. By adding a user identifier to a request, the current session will be attached to the existing user, so that the User Properties can be used to make decisions.
Configure User Properties
The User Properties can be found on the Configuration menu in Conversational AI Cloud. Users with Content Engineers rights are able to view these identifiers as well as other properties. Only users with the External JavaScript Developer role will be able to add and edit these properties.
Edit User Properties
You can easily edit the user properties by clicking the pencil icon:
Show User Properties in Reporting
Switch the toggle on and the User Property will show in your reports available through the Reporting API.
Any information (including personal user information) that you mark as "shown in reporting" through the User and Session Properties screen will be stored in our reporting databases for 7 days.
Insight on the Context Store
The Context Store is a secured user and session repository that is part of the Conversational AI Cloud platform. The Context Store API can be used to view and modify non-volatile context information about the users and sessions.
To access the Context Store, your Developers (in-house or third-party) will have to call the Context Store API.