Weekly Report Dashboard
This dashboard allows you to compare your project from week to week, with a focus on your user’s questions. This is achieved by focusing on Q&A and FAQ clicks, with a little additional information about feedback and dialogs. It contains no information about events or link clicks and only limited information about FAQ searches (if available in your project). The standard filters apply.
The time filter in this dashboard is set to 'This Week' and 'Last Week' by default. You can adjust it via the usual calendar selection you see in other dashboards.
General Information Widget Weekly Report
This chart gives you, as the name says, some general information about interactions with your Chatbot. The column charts show the number of sessions, the number of Q&A, and the number of FAQ clicks and FAQ searches (if available in your project) per day. The line chart represents the percentage of questions answered. With this graph, you can easily discover discontinuity in the normal trend, which you can then investigate further.
Next, you'll see a table with this general information added up per week.
Ratios Widget Weekly Report Dashboard
Ratio of FAQ to Open Questions (Pie chart)
The pie chart under Q&A, FAQ and dialog ratio gives the overall ratio of FAQ clicks, FAQ searches, dialogs and open (Q&A) questions over the selected period. In the pie chart, dialogs and T-dialogs are included as they are activated by Q&A.
Ratios table
The ratios table gives absolute counts and relative ratios of each of Q&A, FAQclick, FAQsearch, Dialog and T-dialog interactions. Please note that your project may not use all of these interactions.
Feedback Widget Weekly Report Dashboard
The Feedback dashboard offers a bar chart for the distribution of types of feedback (usually 'yes' and 'no', depending on the feedback options you offer), and a table with numerical information about the amount of feedback given, the percentage of positive feedback, the amount of interactions that could have received feedback, and the total percentage of feedback (with and without events) per week. You can hover over the bars to view the feedback type.
Widgets counting feedback always report the number/percentage of interactions that received feedback. It is possible for an interaction to receive feedback more than once. When the widget is split out by feedback type, feedback is counted once for each type of feedback given. When looking at feedback in general, it is counted only once.
Sessions in Context Widget Weekly Report Dashboard
This widget displays the contexts that were activated by the interactions with the system. Not all kinds of contexts are activated by every interaction, so these numbers may or may not add up with the total number of interactions.
More contexts can be logged than are shown here. This table only shows contexts for which the value is logged on every interaction, not only when it is relevant for the answer.
Categories per Classification Weekly Report Widget
This table shows how many questions were asked and how many FAQs were clicked in a particular category per week.
You can drill down into the following:
- Categories to feedback
- Categories to interactions
By default, these tables show all categories for all classifications.
Top 10 Widget Weekly Report Dashboard
At the bottom of the dashboard you will find a link which will open a widget in a pop-up screen. From this widget you can download the following top 10 overviews:
- Top 10 Answers with positive feedback: Answers with the most positive feedback
- Top 10 Answers with negative feedback: Answers with the most negative feedback
- Top 10 Q&A Answers: most activated Answers from Q&A
- Top 10 FAQ Answers: most activated Answers from FAQ
- Top 10 FAQ: most clicked FAQs
- Top 10 Dialogs: most activated dialogs
For each Top 10 the data from the last five weeks are shown. The first of these five weeks determines what data is included in the Top 10.
Note that the Top 10 answers with positive and negative feedback only give you the absolute numbers of feedback given, not how these relate to the amount of activations of these answers.