What Does My Performance Data Widget Show?
Every user of the Mobile Service Cloud has their own performance data on the dashboard. The performance data gives you an insight how you and the team are performing.
The dropdown menu's allows you to show data based on your personal of the team performance and the time periods today and this week. The metrics are calculated based on the options you choose.
Acquisition (Aquisitie)
The acquisition meter shows the value of orders from new customers. New customers are defined as customers with an email address that ordered for the first time and are new in your order management system. The percentage is calculated based on the total amount of conversations divided by the amount of conversations with an connected order.
Example: you've had 10 conversations and 5 led to an order. 2 of those orders came from new customers so these will be used to calculate the percentage. 2 out of 10 is 20%. One order had an order value of €100 and the other €300. The acquisition amount will be a total of €400.
Retention (Retentie)
The retention meter shows the value of orders from existing customers. Existing customers are defined as customers (with the same email address) that already have orders in your order management system. The percentage is calculated based on the total amount of conversations divided by the amount of conversations with an connected order.
Example: you've had 10 conversations and 5 led to an order. 3 of those orders came from existing customers so these will be used to calculate the percentage. 3 out of 10 is 30%. One order had an order value of €70 and the other €90. The acquisition amount will be a total of €160.
Happy (Blij)
Amount of green/happy ratings received.
Neutral (Neutraal)
Amount of orange/neutral ratings received.
Sad (Boos)
Amount of red/sad ratings received.
Archived (Archief)
Amount of conversations archived with a start date that matches the time period selected.
Replied (Antwoord)
Amount of conversations replied with a start date that matches the time period selected. Please bear in mind that if the same conversation you already replied is reopened and you send another message it still counts as 1.
On time (Op Tijd)
Show the percentage of conversations that are replied on time. On time is calculated based on your SLA settings.