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What does the order confirmation email look like and how can I edit this?

1. Go to Settings > Email

2. Click the + icon to add standard e-mail templates

3. Click the template you wish to edit

4. Under the header (right) Event Template Group you can edit the sender, colors, logo’s and calendar settings

5. Under the header (right) Email Template you can edit the subject of the e-mail

6. The e-mail text can be edited by clicking it in the editor

7. Custom fields that ca be used in the text/topic:

{{ORDER_ID}}: The unique order id for an order

{{FIRST_NAME}}: The first name of the buyer as filled out during the order process.

{{LAST_NAME}}: The last name of the buyer as filled out during the order process.

{{EVENT_NAME}}: The name of your event

{{ORGANISATION_NAME}}: The name of your organization

8. Different e-mail templates that can be used are:

GUEST_LIST: Guestlist invitations

ORDER: Order confirmation e-mails including the download button for tickets (if applicable)

PERSONALIZE: Order confirmation including button to the personalization form

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