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What feature are supported on the VoIP channel?

This VoIP channel, based on the integration leaves all the intelligence (IVR, queueing, routing, etc.) with the telephony system. It only connects the telephony system to Agent Inbox. It does this by connecting a user in Agent Inbox (an agent) to a phone extension number (a piece of software on a mobile phone or a physical phone on a desk).

  • You can configure the phone extension number for each agent via Settings > Team. Select the agent in question and enter the matching value in the field Phone extension.

  • When a phone call comes in, and the agent answers the call as usual andAgent Inbox automatically opens the ‘conversation view’ for the agent

  • When Agent Inbox recognizes the phone number (needs CRM/eCommerce data connection), we retrieve relevant customer/order data and fill the Customer Profile

  • When we do not recognize the phone number (for instance because the customer didn’t fill in the phone number when ordering), the Customer Profile stays empty

  • The agent can then ask for the e-mail address, fill it into the Customer Profile, and the profile automatically fills with the right data

  • In case Agent Inbox finds more than one customer with this phone number, this phone number is placed in the search field on the dashboard and the search results are shown

  • Agent Inbox automatically logs 1) when the call comes in, 2) who answered it, 3) if it’s transferred to someone else, 4) and when the call is ended

  • This way your phone data becomes part of the Agent Inbox reporting suite, so the customer has unified reporting data

  • The agent can also easily log additional notes in the phone call conversation and or collaborate with a colleague

  • In addition, the logged phone calls become part of the customer’s conversation history.

For more technical and integration details, please find:

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