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What Is qa-0?


You may have seen the reference 'qa-0' in your dashboard data but you don't know what this refers to.


  • Conversational AI Cloud


The article that is triggered before a null answer Event is qa-0. This is a system null answer which is hard-coded in our back end system as a fall back answer.

What does the qa-0 answer look like?

It’s a very simple text:

I don't know the answer to that question. Please ask me a different question or pose your question differently...

It works in all of our supported languages and is therefore culture dependent.

Can I change qa-0?

No. This text is hard-coded in our back end system and it’s there as a “just in case” answer. All projects come with an escalation_1x_noanswer as standard, so this should be the answer you edit in case customers ask a question that isn’t recognized.

Why do I see this in my Dashboard data?

qa-0 is always logged as one interaction when there is no recognition for a user question. As every interaction is logged separately in the dashboards, you’ll see the user questions which active qa-0, and the amount of times qa-0 activated an Event, separately.

Can I use the qa-0 answer in my database?

Sometimes, very rarely, you might want to use the same answer that is used for qa-0. Perhaps you only want to give an answer to two or three different contextual answers, and for everyone else give no answer. In this case, you can use the tag instead of writing an answer and it will use the same text as qa-0.

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