Understanding campaign statistics
Understanding the statistics page of a campaign and common errors is essential for optimizing your messaging strategy. When viewing a sent campaign in the Campaigns app, the statistics overview page provides details that may vary per channel (e.g., SMS, WA, or Push).
Message Details
In the upper left corner, you’ll find key details about your sent campaign:
Recipients: Displays the number of people to whom your message was sent and the total number of messages. If you’ve sent a multi-part message or used merge tags, you may see more messages than recipients.
Campaign Price: Presents an estimated campaign cost based on messages sent. Note that the actual price will depend on your SMS rate at the time of invoicing.
Delivered: Shows the percentage and actual number of recipients who received the message.
Read: Indicates the number of messages marked as read (available for supported channels only).
Links Clicked: Displays the number of recipients who clicked at least one short link in your campaign. Note that if you include multiple links in your campaign and the recipient clicks two, we’ll only show one click.
Opt-outs: Provides the percentage and number of recipients who opted out of your campaign, provided an opt-out link was included.

List of Recipients
This section links to the address list used for the campaign. For triggered campaigns, no address list is available, as they are initiated through automated workflows in the Customer Data Platform.
Recipient Funnel
Highlights reasons certain people didn’t receive the message and the difference between selected contacts and actual recipients. Common reasons include:
Invalid phone numbers or duplicate entries
Previous opt-outs via the opt-out tag (no-s.ms)

Delivery Status
Visualizes message statuses: Scheduled, Dispatched, Accepted, Delivered, and Failed.
Delivered: Operator confirmed message delivery.
Accepted: Message received by operator, delivery not yet confirmed.
Sent: Message offered to the operator without confirmation that it was received by the operator.
Rejected: Refused by operator due to errors (e.g., insufficient credit, suspected phishing, regulatory compliance issues).
Failed: Message undeliverable by operator.
Click "view in messagelog" for in-depth analysis of individual messages.

Statistics per Country
This view summarizes recipient countries, number of messages, successful deliveries, and failed deliveries.

Failure Details per Country
Displays error details by country for undelivered messages, providing insights into improving your contact lists.

Tips to Prevent Common Issues
Obtain Consent: Ensure recipients have given consent, ideally through terms or registration options.
Provide Opt-Out Options: Ensure easy opt-out for recipients, complying with country-specific regulations.
Custom Sender ID: Know that sender IDs must be between 3-14 digits or characters, with varying rules by country.
Character Limit: An SMS is capped at 160 characters; exceeding this increases cost due to additional messages.
Understand SMS Pricing: SMS costs vary by country, and charges apply per SMS sent. Maintain a valid contact list to avoid sending to unreachable numbers. For detailed pricing, visit: https://www.cm.com/products/pricing/sms/
Below you find a video on Campaign Statistics in the Mobile Marketing Cloud.