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WhatsApp Dialog Options and Quick Replies

When you're creating content for the WhatsApp channel, will leverage as much native WhatsApp functionality as possible. This is especially noticeable when working with dialogs options and quick replies. will always try to render dialog options and quick replies (called dialog options from here on out) using native WhatsApp functionality such as WhatsApp Quick Reply buttons, WhatsApp List Messages, or if all else fails an ordered list.

WhatsApp Quick Reply buttons are used when all dialog options in an answer adhere to the following constraints:

  • A minimum of 1 chat bubble is required

  • Maximum of 3 quick replies

  • Character limit of 20 characters per quick reply

  • Character limit of 1024 characters for the chat bubble containing the WhatsApp Quick Replies

  • No markdown support inside of the WhatsApp Quick Reply buttons

  • The Quick Reply footer and header are left empty

WhatsApp List Messages are used when the constraints of the WhatsApp Quick Replies aren't met, but the following constraints are met:

  • A minimum of 1 chat bubble is required

  • Maximum of 10 list messages

  • Character limit of 24 characters per list message

  • Character limit of 40 characters for the chat bubble containing the WhatsApp List Messages

  • The List Messages footer is set to "Powered by" and the header is set to "Please Choose one of the options below."

If the response from Conversational AI Cloud does not fall within the constraints of the WhatsApp Quick Replies feature, or the WhatsApp List Messages then the dialog options will be shown in an ordered (numbered) list. End-users can reply with the corresponding number of a dialog option, or they can manually type out the text of the dialog option.

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