WhatsApp Template Rejection
This card aims to help customers solve issues regarding rejected WhatsApp Templates.
It's based on the WhatsApp Template Guidelines.
Possible Cause | Background |
Incorrect category | WhatsApp is strict in the chosen category, as it will influence the price of a conversation. Authentication is used for sending OTP messages or activation links. Utility is for messages about an ongoing transaction or follow-up notification. All other messages are categorized as Marketing. |
Sample required | When you use an image, video, or document in a template, CM.com offers a generic sample with the request. |
Incorrectly formatted parameters | Make sure you enter variables correctly. A correct variable looks like this: |
Incorrect language | A template requested in a specific language should not contain a different language. Templates combining multiple languages in one message are not supported. |
No links to WhatsApp | Don't link to a Whatsapp conversation. (ie. wa.me links) |
All Whatsapp guidelines can be found here: WhatsApp Template Guidelines.
CM.com cannot influence the approval of templated messages directly. WhatsApp is responsible for the final approval.