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Where can I find an overview of my project?

You can find an overview of your project via Projects > Settings


General Project Information


The General Project Information contains the following:

  • Project Type: The type of project (Standard, Trial, Sandbox)

  • Project Content Type: Text or Voice project (cannot be changed)

  • Project Key: This is set and is a key component in linking your project to its online implementation. This cannot be changed. If you need a new project key you will need to create a new project. The project key cannot contain any spaces or special characters.

  • Project API Keys: Your project API key(s) are listed here.

  • Project Name: As an admin you can change this if needed, especially if your business merges with another one and you don't want to redo an entire implementation. We only advise changing this if you really need to make searching for your project easier in Conversational AI Cloud or the Admin Portal. If the project name doesn't match the project key then your CMS Users may struggle to find the things they need

  • Project Description: You can also add a description for what the project is used for. This will show underneath the project name in the CMS so that it's clear to your users what the project is being used for. This field is not required.

  • Intent Threshold: This determines the confidence threshold for your intent recognition model. Changing this value will affect your CMS environment. Publication is required to apply the setting in the staging and live environments.

If you make any changes, be sure to click the “Update settings” button at the bottom of the settings page to save your changes.

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