Which calls are surcharged with special rates?
Regular voice calls (SIP Trunking, Voice API, Voice Campaigns) are billed according the corresponding pricelists.
However, in certain cases special surcharges might be applied. This happens in the following scenarios:
NON-EER to EER calls: If you set up a call to a European country, with a CLI (FROM number) that is from outside the European Economic Region, a special surcharge rate of €0.25 / minute will be billed on top of the regular rates. Fore more details, please check our ratelist.
In case you do not want to risk such surcharges, you can block NON-EER to EER calls completely in our Voice Management app.
Invalid CLI (FROM number): As a customer making calls through the CM platform you are obliged to use a valid CLI (FROM number) with your calls.
A surcharge of €0.25/minute will be applied for calls that have:
- A missing CLI (in the FROM, PAID or Remote Party ID SIP header)
- A CLI that is either too short (<5 digits) or too long (>15 digits)
- A CLI that is not associated with a valid country prefix (e.g. +31 or +44)
Surcharged calls are specified in your CDR, which can be downloaded from the Voice Management app.