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Why are my messages not delivered?


  • Messaging


Sorry to hear that your messages are not being delivered. This can have many reasons:

Are your request being accepted by the CM API?

Which error code is displayed? Click on the following link to see the error codes and the descriptions.

A common example is:

Invalid credentials: Your API Key or Secret are incorrectly specified?

Your next step is to understand any restrictions or rules in place for you destination country. Some countries will not support DLR's so a Pending status may not indicate a failed delivery. Others have strict Do Not Call lists in place. There are other destinations that will require you to pre-register your sender ID before your traffic will be accepted. The US/Canada will require you to purchase a local LVN (Long Virtual Number) to use as your sender ID.

There are many different variables that can affect your traffic in each country, please check our full country specific listings to help you understand what the issue could be.

If none of the above apply you may find failed delivery is due to a handset related issue such as:

  • The sender ID is too long, it can have a maximum length of 16 digits or 11 characters. Only the following characters are possible: A to Z, a to z and 0 to 9. No spaces or any other symbols and characters are possible.
  • Handset is permanently incompatible or unable to receive this type of message.
  • Undeliverable because the subscriber is temporarily absent, e.g. his/her phone is switch off, he/she cannot be located on the network. The operator will try to deliver for a certain validity period.
  • Message has failed due to a temporary phone related error, e.g. SIM card full, SME busy, memory exceeded etc. This does not mean the phone is unable to receive this type of message/content.

If you find that you still do not have a clear answer as to why your message is not delivered, please check our Status Page to see if there are any major known issues.

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.