What is Email Deliverability?
Know more about e-mail deliverability and how you can increase the deliverability of your e-mails.
Who can it help?
Email is still used very much by our customers as marketing channel. It isn't a set-it-and-forget-it-machine, it requires time and attention to get it going smoothly.
Email success starts with your deliverability. Metrics such as clicks and opens are important to look at, but no email gets clicked or opened unless it gets delivered first. It doesn’t matter how much time, money, or creativity you invest in your emails if nobody ever sees them.
Email deliverability is the process of sending emails that arrive in your recipient’s inbox as intended. Get your deliverability right, and your messages will arrive in the inbox when and how you expect. Get it wrong, and your message could be routed to the spam folder or completely blocked by the inbox provider.
Your email deliverability is largely determined by your sender reputation. The better your reputation, the more likely your email will be delivered to your recipient’s inbox. Your sender reputation is determined by a wide variety of factors:
Recipient engagement (When your recipients are opening, reading, and clicking on your messages, inbox providers know that your messages are wanted.)
Email content (To build a good reputation, you’ll need to send engaging emails that have a professional look and legitimate links.)
Spam complaints (A recipient marking your email as spam is the strongest negative signal to inbox providers. Spam complaint rates above 0.2% are considered high, and these levels can lead to poor deliverability.)
Spam traps (Spam traps are old or unused email addresses that should never receive your emails. ISPs and anti-spam organizations also plant email addresses to catch spammers and list buyers. )
Invalid email addresses (Continuing to send email to large groups of invalid or nonexistent email addresses is a big red flag for inbox providers and can damage your sending reputation.)
Blacklists (Many inbox providers monitor blacklists to help determine which senders need to be blocked or filtered. )
Domain reputation (Watch your links to third parties—they could do more harm than good. Even if you’re doing everything else right, a single link to an unrepeatable website in the body of your email could prevent your message from getting to the inbox.)
Our Email Campaigns tooling measurements:We have several shared IP addresses running for our customers. In this way they can profit from the reputation build up by the other customers using that IP
A customer can also decide to use an own dedicated IP address for sending. This only make sense if you have a monthly volume of 200.000+ and you don't want your sender reputation to be harmed by other parties on the shared IP.
Email campaigns will automatically stop when a 0.25% complaint and/or 5% bounce rate is reached. Remaining emails won't be send
When a recipient is hard bounced by the ISPs we will put it on the bounced list and never sent a mail again. Even if this email address is still part of the adressbook.
Tips & TricksAsk permission to send emails and respect it. Use the Consent Management tooling provided in the CDP to manage your optins and optouts. Make it easy to unsubscribe.
Send a welcome Message to set the tone for a new email relationship. Remind users why they signed up and what they can expect (what and when).
Test your mails before you send it. Make sure there are no broken links.
Remove unengaged recipients. Use the CDP to find people who haven't opened an email in the last months and delete them.
Make sure your emails over time don't look too similar or feel repetitive