Entities Dashboard
The entities dashboard is designed to help you navigate entities triggered by end-users in your chatbot implementation. You can expect to get better insights into your entities with clear visuals on the ones that were triggered most frequently over a given time period.
Entity Combinations Widget
The entity combinations widget is a word cloud showing entities sized according to their occurrence in questions. You'll also find these on the Gap Analysis dashboard.
This gives a similar but more condensed view than the PM Overview Q&A questions word cloud.
If you've filtered on a particular entity using any of the widgets, you'll see the entity combinations for questions where that entity was detected. This may include entity combinations where your selected entity was only detected as part of a compound (so you're not actually seeing that entity in the entity combination).
Words Not Found in Entities
This widget shows words that are not found in entities. Please note that this also doesn't include words when they are actually used for keyword recognition in your example questions. The same word may show up if it's not being used to recognize a different user question.
Top Entities Widget
This chart shows you the top 30 activated entities over a given time period.
Download All Activated Entities
If there is a need to check all entities for a project, you can click on the "Get a list of all activated Entities (given dashboard filters)" link at the very bottom of the dashboard and download a CSV file from the kebab menu on the top-right corner.