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Guide to Articles

Create an Article

Whether you're creating intent or rule-based recognition, you will create an article the same way.

Follow these steps to create an article:

  1. Go to the Articles screen

  2. Type your question into "A new question" field and click the add button.

  3. Scroll down to Outputs and type a response to "Hello" into the answer editor and click the 'Add answer' button

  4. Scroll to the top of the article and click the "Save" button

Add A Question

Add a new question to an article.

Type your question into "A new question" field and click the add button. When you are finished adding questions, click the "Save" button. 

Tip: If your article contains more than 10 questions, you might want to consider using intents or creating a new article. This will help you keep your answers specific to the questions being asked.


When should you add questions to an article?

Use the Recognition Analysis Dashboard to find questions based on the "Missing Entity Combinations" widget.

You see a question that is consistently and regularly asked. It even receives a perfect answer, but it isn't yet matched 100% to a Question in your database. You can consider adding this user question to the article, so it will now be perfectly matched.

Or you have an Answer somewhere in your article that would perfectly answer this user question, but it's not being activated. By adding this user question to that specific article, you ensure that it is.

Mark a Question as a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

Questions marked as an FAQ will still be recognized as regular questions. By marking a question as an FAQ, you're just telling Conversational AI Cloud that a specific question from your article should be displayed as the FAQ on your website.

Marking a question (Q) as an FAQ is done in the Article Inputs editor. Follow these steps to mark a question as an FAQ:  Otherwise

  1. Add a properly formulated question to your inputs, similar to how an end user might ask. For example, "How do I make a return?"

  2. Click on the more options icon (…) next to the question

  3. Select "Set as FAQ"

  4. The question that will be shown as an FAQ is green

  5. Scroll up to the top of the article and click "Save"

πŸ’‘For more information about using FAQs, please view our guide β€œHow to Set Up FAQs”.

Remove a Question

To remove a question from an article, click on the more options icon next to the question you want to remove and select "Delete".

You can't remove a question if it is the last question still associated with the article.

Edit the Answer

Follow these steps to update an existing output answer on your article:

  1. Select "Edit" from the more options icon next to the output

  2. Click the "Update" button

  3. Scroll to the top of the article and click "Save"

Format the Answer Text

You can format your output text using the icons in the answer editor.

The following options are available:


You can also create lists by selecting the text and clicking the insert/remove icon: 

Tip: To create a nested number or bullet list, select your text and click the insert/remove list icon.

Place the cursor in the line that should start the nested list and press the 'tab' key on your keyboard. The list item will become indented and the list marker will change.

Change the Default Answer

The very first output you create for your article is automatically marked as the default output. If there are no contexts defined or no output is available for that specific context, this output will be shown to the user. 

The default output will have a purple colored answer icon. All other outputs will have a grey colored answer icon.

  1. To mark an output as default, click on the more options icon and select "Set as default". The previous default output will now have a grey icon.

  2. Don't forget to scroll to the top of the article and click the "Save" button!

Always One Default Output Answer

Once you've covered all contextual combinations with your output answer, your default output may not be shown very often. Maybe even not at all. However, you still need one just in case:

  • you decide to add another context later on,

  • you change your contexts, or

  • the contexts are not passed along correctly to the platform for whatever reason.

In any of these cases, and maybe we've even forgotten a few more, without a default output answer, your customer would get, at best, an "I don't know the answer to your question", while you do in fact have answers. Just not currently one that you know applies specifically to their situation. But a less specific answer is preferable to no answer at all.

Remove an Answer

To remove an answer from an article, click on the more options icon next to the answer you want to remove and select "Delete". 

Scroll to the top of the article and click the "Save" button to save your changes. 

Note: You can't delete an answer if there is only one associated with the article. If you need to remove the default answer, you will need to set one of the other answers in the article as default first.

Articles Linked With Dialog Nodes

To see which dialogs are referencing an article, select the "Dialog References" tab above your inputs. 

It's possible for an article set to link to multiple dialogs.

In this example, we only see one linked dialog:

If you update an answer in this article, the changes will also show on the linked dialog. If you do not want this, click on the more options menu next to the linked dialog and select "Open dialog". This will redirect you to the node using the linked article. Select the "Unlink article" button. Then, you can edit the dialog answers as you normally would.

Show Condition Sets on Questions

See which words in your question are an entity, keyword or stop word.

Condition sets show you which words are entities, keywords, and stop words in your article and dialog questions. Click on the "Show Condition Sets" button and hover over the words.

Click on the Show Condition Sets button to see which words in your question are an entity, keyword or stop word.

Delete an Article

You can delete an entire article from the system. Simply select the menu options at the top right hand corner of the article and select "Delete". 

A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm the deletion. 

Tip: Before you remove an entire article, be sure that you aren't removing content that is still relevant to your users. Only delete an entire article if the questions no longer appear in your reports (meaning that your users never ask these kinds of questions anymore).

Search an Article

Searching for articles allows you to find existing content in your database to edit and update.

Click on the Search button to the right side of the Articles screen.

Select one of the filters and add a search term, then click the "Apply" button to see the results. 

The following filters are available: 

  • Search in: Find specific text in your Questions or Answers

  • Dialog: Find articles that are using a specific dialog in an output

  • Transactional Dialog: Find articles that are using a specific T-dialog in an output

  • Intent: Find articles that are related to a specific intent

  • Entity: Find articles that are related to a specific entity

  • Conversation Variable: Find articles that are using a specific conversation variable

  • Label: Find articles that are related to a specific label

  • Context Variable: Find articles that are using a specific context variable

  • Article ID: Find a specific article based on its id


Any changes to articles, events or entities in Conversational AI Cloud are stored as revisions. From any revision, you can select a revision to restore.

From this point onward, you can check back on older versions of your article, event or entity to see what changes were made and choose to reverse them. This helps to correct editing mistakes and recover older versions of answers that were updated to reflect a temporary situation which is now no longer valid.

The first revision of any entity will only be created after you save it the first time after the update. You will not be able to see the revisions of any changes made before this update.

Article revision:

This will open a layer that shows the last changes (up to the last 10) of that object. For each change, you are also able to see which user made the change and when (date and time stamp in UTC).

Article Overlaps

In Conversational AI Cloud, you can only have one article per single question. Should you add the same question again to another article, meaning either the same exact question or one that is synonymous to the existing one (because of entities) this will create an article overlap. To Conversational AI Cloud, it now looks like this question should get two different sets of articles.  

Conversational AI Cloud will detect these overlaps and will generate a task for you to resolve them. Until you resolve the overlap, Conversational AI Cloud will pick one of the articles to provide an answer to the question being asked. 

Resolving Article Overlaps

When Conversational AI Cloud detects an overlap it will generate a task for you to resolve them. To do so you can try one of the following:

  1. Change the answer of the existing article to the answer you wanted to add
    You wanted to add this question again with a new answer, so you probably wanted all similar questions to get the same answer, too. By adding a duplicate question, you've now found the existing content you really wanted to change in the first place. 

  2. Add your new answer as a contextual answer on the existing article
    Similar to the first option, only the answer you just added really only applies under certain circumstances. In other circumstances, you still want to give the old answer.  Or maybe this is the general answer, and the answer you had before is really only relevant in a particular situation.

  3. Remove the question that caused the overlap from the existing article
    It's really just this particular question that needs to get a new answer – the answer you had before is still perfectly good for other questions, just not for this one. In this case, you can just remove the overlapping question(s) from the existing article and move them to the new one.

  4. Change your entities and/or stop words so the questions are no longer identical
    It can also help to check your entities. Make sure there's no overlap being caused by having separate questions being seen as synonyms, because of them being in the same entity, or because some words are seen as stop words. Be careful though with removing words from an entity because this could also mean that any other article where this word was a synonym for a question won't have recognition anymore.

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