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How to send a newsletter with Email Campaigns?


Send out a newsletter with Email Campaigns.


  • Mobile Marketing Cloud


Send your first newsletter

Email Campaigns is a tool within Mobile Marketing Cloud that is used to build and send email in bulk to many contacts at once. Within Email Campaigns you can create 2 kind of emails: ‘’newsletters’’ and ‘’triggered’’. Newsletters are just regular emails and triggered are emails that are used for marketing automation workflows within the Customer Data Platform (CDP). Email Campaigns lets you easily add recipients, choose your setting and design your emails.

Before you start

Here are some things to know before you begin sending your first emails.

- To send an email, make sure you have the list of people you want to sent to in Address book. This can be done syncing a segment from the Customer Data platform. If you don’t have contacts in your Mobile Marketing Cloud it will be not possible to send your email campaign.

- Be sure to verify your own domain before you send your first email.

Create an email

To create your first newsletter, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Email Campaigns icon to open it

2. Click on create newsletter campaign


3. Choose what kind of campaign you want to send a regular campaign or an A/B testing campaign.


This will take you to the email builder, here you can choose your settings and design your content.

Setup and design

The campaigns builder has 4 tabs which all have their own function:

1. Campaign settings: this is the tab were you have to fill in the following settings:

a. Name of the campaign: this is the name of the campaign and is shown in the platform.

b. Subject: this is the subject of the e-mail.

c. Sender: here you have to select from whom the email will be sent

d. Sender name: here you fill in the name of the sender.

e. Preview text: this is the sentence that will be shown underneath the subject in your e-mail notification.

f. Tags: you can add tags to your email to make it easier to organize your campaign in the filter.

g. Schedule: with email campaigns it is possible to directly send emails but also to schedule them. You can do this by clicking on the schedule button

h. Template: You can design your email all by yourself, but you can also use a previously created template. This saves time as you use a previously designed email.


2. Design: whether you're an expert or a novice in email marketing, Mobile Marketing Cloud gives you the tools to design beautiful campaigns. With our drag-and-drop editor it’s easy to create emails, just drag-and-drop the content blocks in your design.


3. Text version: this tab in Email Campaigns shows the text version of your design. It provides additional support so that anyone who cannot or wishes not to receive HTML in emails can still read your email. Including a Text Version will also decrease your Spam Score. Make sure to always refresh it before sending your email!


4. Advanced: in this tab it’s possible to add extra tracking to your campaign, here you can activate Google Analytics tracking and link tagging.


Control and send your email

When you’re satisfied with the settings and design of your email, we recommend to test whether your email works properly and looks how you want. Follow these final steps to send your first newsletter.

1. Make sure your design is saved by clicking on save draft


2. Go to the text version tab and click on the refresh icon to be sure that your text version is updated.


3. Click on the 3 dots and send an testmail.


4. Satisfied with the testmail? You can now send the email to your address list. Click on send.


5. Confirm that you want to send your first email campaign


All done, you have now sent your first email campaign!

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