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Live chat is received outside service hours


You have received a live chat conversation outside the service hours and can't explain why.


When you receive a live chat outside Service Hours this can be caused by several incorrect settings. In this article we'll go over the correct settings.

Potential causes

  1. I​ncorrect set Service Hours template

W​ithin the Service Hours template, you might have set an incorrect time or time zone (1), have not selected the correct days of the week (2), or have set AM/PM incorrect (3). The most common missed mistake is the timezone.

  1. Incorrect u​ser status

I​t might happen that a user has set their status to "Online" instead of "Service Hours". When the status is set to "Online" the user is, and will stay available for instant/live chats after opening hours.

  1. I​ncorrect template selected within the webstore settings

T​he template in the webstore settings might be on the wrong selection:

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.