Quarterly Business Report (QBR) Dashboard
This 13 month "long term" dashboard allows you to get a quick overview on the overall performance and shows where optimization is needed the most. The usual KPI’s are also included to provide a complete impression. The default dashboard filters apply. When you select multiple months in the time period filter, the widgets will show the date per column, per month.
Companion dashboard 'Business Report Details' contains extra indicators such as long-tail questions and negative feedback/low recognition articles for recent months.
QBR Bar Graph Widget
A variety of KPI’s important for optimization are lined up in the bar graph:
% Interaction
This is a measure of how many people actively engage with Conversational AI Cloud by asking a question, searching for or clicking on FAQs, engaging in dialogs, clicking links or leaving feedback. A low Interaction % means Conversational AI Cloud is not drawing people's attention on your website. If people aren't interacting, we can't help them either. If the Interaction % is too low, check with your web developers whether Conversational AI Cloud is visible on all pages where it is loaded, and consider changing the design to increase engagement.
% Positive Feedback
A measure of how much of the provided feedback is positive. If the positive feedback is lower than you'd like, you should:
Check/rewrite answers with high negative feedback
Improve recognition
Improve the processes people are actually leaving feedback on, using Conversational AI Cloud as a proxy.
%Dialog Completion
Measures how many people started a dialog then finished that dialog. This can be calculated either on a session or an Interaction basis. The session dialog completion % is a better indicator of the user experience, but the Interaction dialog completion % is more useful for trying to improve the dialog, so they are reported in different ways on different dashboards. The KPI presented here is the session dialog completion %.
If this number is low, check the dialogs dashboard to improve dialog flow.
% Sessions with FAQ Click
This measures the 'popularity' of FAQ. This is also reported on a session basis. FAQ that are often shown but never clicked may not offer useful information, or may not actually be that frequently asked. If you offer FAQs through FAQ searches, this is an indicator of how well your FAQs are found by the user's search terms.
Please do note that if FAQs are shown through means other than interactions with Conversational AI Cloud (for example, Google Search or direct links), there will still be FAQ clicks logged, but there will be no corresponding FAQ shown -- which may still skew this KPI.
% Link Clicks
Measures how many people clicked a link that was offered. On the KPI dashboard, this is reported on a session basis.
If this number is low, check which often-activated answers offer links that are rarely clicked. They may need to be rewritten to emphasize the link, or perhaps excess links should be removed.
The drill into options available for this graph are Days in Date and Months in Date.
QBR Pie Chart Widget
Pie chart that shows the relative amount of each type of interaction. For an overview of the interaction types, please check our article about interaction logs.
QBR Top Word Cloud Widget
The word cloud shows the top 100 questions shorter than 140 characters.
QBR Top 10 FAQ Widget
Table showing the top 10 most clicked FAQ and how often they were clicked. The drill into options available for this table are articles to answers and articles to feedback.
QBR Top Dialogs and % Dropouts
Table showing the Top 10 dialogs, how often they were activated each month, how often they were completed as a percentage of their activations and the percentage of dropouts. Dialog completion is the overall % of your users that completed a dialog. If this number is low, you should look at improving the flow or answers of your dialogs. 'Dropouts' is the total number of dialogs that were started, but not finished.
The drill into options for this table are:
Dialog to feedback
Dialog to node interactions
Go to diagram and nodes
QBR Classification Filter Widget
The classification filter lets you filter the articles (Q&A) and FAQ related widgets per category. Select the classification you need from the drop-down menu.
Adjusting this filter will only adjust the data in the QBR activations per category table underneath, not the entire dashboard.
QBR Activations per Category Widget
Tables with data bars indicating how many questions were asked / FAQs were clicked in a particular category. There are a number of drill down options available on this pivot, allowing you to drill down to questions per category from the category name, or category activations per month, by drilling down into days from the column header.
By default, this table shows all categories for all classifications. You can select the classification you're interested in from the drop down filter at the top of the dashboard to only see categories from that classification.
Drill into options available for this table are categories to feedback and categories to interactions.