What Can I Do in the Conversation View?
The Agent Inbox is composed of two main screens in which most of your time will be spent. 'The dashboard' and the 'Conversation view'. In this articles we will provide an introduction to the Conversation view.
To find more information on the dashboard view, please view:
- What is the dashboard?
Conversation view elements
The conversation view is comprised of various elements that let's you effectively handle customer inquiries with your team and across teams.
Brief overview
- The element in the top left corner of the conversation view is called the 'Conversation header ', this element provides quick insight into the key characteristics of the conversation, such as the channel, the customer name, the subject (as may also be extracted from the tags) and the incoming variable of the conversation.
- On the right side of the conversation header, you will find the 'Action buttons', these buttons provide the ability to mutate the conversation. For example, the actions buttons allow you to snooze, forward or archive a conversation.
- In the centre left, you wil find the 'Conversation area', this area hosts the communication towards the customer. The top area shows all incoming and outgoing messages, while the bottom section is for typing.
- In the centre right, you wil find the 'Collaboration area', this area hosts all the collaborative internal and external communications that may be required to effectively solve the customers inquiry. The top area shows all incoming and outgoing messages, while the bottom section provides room for typing.
- On the right side of the conversation view, you will find the 'Customer panel', this panel provides the Agent with all contextual data that is required to effectively execute on customer inquires. I provides information like, customer information, pinned messages, orders, and historical conversations.
- This element highlights the 'Conversation tabs', this element is used to navigate between opened conversations and the dashboard, allowing the user to effectively work in multiple conversations in parallel.
- This element highlights the 'Instant workload indicators', these are used to indicate the capacity and workload on instant channels (including native voice). As instant channels require immediate attention, these indicators provide realtime feedback on the status and workload in these types of channels.
Learn more
To learn more about the individual elements within the dashboard, please view the following knowledge centre articles:
- How do i use conversation links?
- How do use tagging?
- How do i use snooze?
- How do i use suggested answers?
- How do i navigate the customer panel?
- How do the (Instant) workload indicators work?
- How do i use and manage my conversation tabs?