Why do I receive more conversations compared to my co-workers?
While working in Mobile Service Cloud I get a lot more conversations assigned to me compared to my co-workers.
They don't seem to be distributed evenly. What is the reason for this?
Check and compare the following setting to the colleague's that seem to get less conversations.
Connected channels within the webstore settings
Usage of status, Online, Offline, Away, Service Hours
Advanced triggers
Current workload compared to your colleagues
Webstore ownership
Potential Causes
There are several possible causes:
Your colleagues have a different status (Online, Offline, Away, Service hours)
You are connected to more channels and webstores than your colleagues, can be checked in Settings - Web stores - [Web store] - scroll down to "Connect team members to this webstore"
Advanced triggers are set up in a way that you are more likely to receive conversations with certain keywords.
You have the lowest amount of workload in your personal inbox, compared to your colleagues.
Conversations are manually forwarded to you by your colleagues
You manually took ownership of conversations
You are the webstore owner