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How do I create and configure Rule-based triggers (Basic)?

Within Mobile Service Cloud (MSC) it is possible to set triggers to route conversations. This card is about adding rule-based triggers. Rule-based triggers check the sender and subject of new incoming e-mail conversations for conditions. If the conditions are met, the connected actions are executed. Use rule-based triggers for straightforward automations on bulks of incoming conversations.

Rule-based triggers can only be used to route conversations directly to the archive or the unwanted folder within MSC.


  1. Navigate to Settings -> Triggers -> Rule-based triggers.

  1. Click on Add trigger.

  1. Add the conditions on which you want to route the conversation

  1. Add a tag to the conversation (optional) before it is routed, and choose if the conversation must be directed to the archive, or to the unwanted folder within MSC.

  1. Now you are ready to save the trigger u have made. Scroll to the top of the screen and click on Save.

Configuration (Advanced)

For more advanced information on rule-based router configurations, view the "Rule-based routing configuration (Advanced)" article. -> add link to article


Below you can find a video on how you can set up Triggers in Mobile Service Cloud.

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