How to connect Pages with a form to the Customer Data Platform?
Mobile Landing Pages are pages you can create with an easy drag-and-drop interface to create for example forms for pre-registration, win campaigns, questionnaires or any other form of profile enrichment.
Follow this instruction if you want to have the information of the filled in forms stored in your Customer Data Platform account.
- Mobile Marketing Cloud
1. Create a Page using the elements on the left bottom corner. Most used elements for creating a Page are:
- Field
- Dropdown
- Checkbox
2. Add a button element on the bottom of your form to send the information filled in the form to the Customer Data platform
3. For every field, dropdown or checkbox added to your form toggle the radio button “Write to CDP field” to blue.
- If you want to map the field item to a profile property select the right property in the dropdown “Write to CDP: Profile Property:” Make sure that at least one of the fields in your form is mapped to a key variable in your Customer Data Platform Account.
Note: the key variable should be unique (such as a phone number or email address).
- If you don’t want to map the field item to the profile, but only let it be an event property, fill in the name of the property in the field “CDP event field name”.
4. Select the button you use to send the form and select the button type “Store in CDP”.
- Enter a descriptive name of your form in the field “CDP event name”. This name will be used in the event insights dropdown of the CDP.
5. This is how it will look like in your CDP. You need to fill in the page and submit it once to get the data in the CDP.
6. If there are fields in the form which manage consents, you need to reach out to your dedicated Professional Services Consultant to connect the consent to the right category
Below you find a video on how you can design your Page and connect it to the CDP in the Mobile Marketing Cloud.